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Biblical comparisons

Pop culture contains many different aspects of different subjects and the purpose of this website is to look into how religion fits into this statement. Almost everything you watch, read or see has a deeper meaning and it can be found just by paying a little more attention. A lot of the times you go to see a super hero movie, you most likely come out amazed and happy with all the action, the well written story lines and if you are a new comer may possibly come out being a fan of something you never thought you would. Is this the only reason for these movies? Is there nothing left to them other then these simple aspects? Well the truth is if you look a little closer you’ll notice that there's more then meets the eye. 


While watching any of The Avengers movies you can see that different aspects of religion are in full force in many scenes. Some are in plain sight; others you have to pay a little more attention to notice but the point is they are there and they could be there to teach younger viewers that good will always defeat evil. A lot of people within the Christian community have found that these movies have nothing but violence and actually take away power from Jesus because regular civilians are given super or God like powers. This isn’t the case though there are actually many explains that show that these movies can actually teach people to love and care for one another and possibly bring people closer together and possibly closer to religion. 

To start like already stated there are many examples of religion in plain sight the first one that can be seen is the relation of different characters. An example of one is Nick Fury, although he may only look like he is there to keep the Avengers together, he can actually been seen as a God like figure. He is the over seer, who encourages his team. Fury keeps them motivated and if there is trouble they can turn to him for help. He has the most power and he has secrets that no one else will ever know. Other examples can include when Captain America says that there is a God. As Thor is introduced he is told that they are “basically gods” and his response to this is “there is only one God and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that”. It points out that the marvel movies do tie into the real world and that it isn’t forgotten that religion is a powerful thing outside of the big screen.  In the first movie “ The Avengers” we can start to see other religious themes play out:

This scene as shown in the video shows tony Stark aka IronMan noticing a Nuke that is on its way to the city which will kill the majority of the invaders but at the same time kill thousands. When they are about to close the portal he wants it left open so he can get rid of it. This scene is an example of the crucifixion and Easter. In the bible Jesus is sent before Pilot and when sent to be crucified, he is tortured and beaten before being nailed to the cross, which he did so that the whole world didn’t have to suffer. He was selfless and caring; he gave his own life for other and then three days later he arose.  Likewise when IronMan brought the Nuke to space he was willing to sacrifice his own life so that the people in the city and his friends could live a peaceful life. In doing so he died before returning to Earth but then as the Hulk screamed he was revived. There isn’t much difference between the two stories and it’s very easy to see how they relate to one another. 

The next example is less about how the characters relate to biblical persons but more relates to how Christians and religious persons are suppose to act. 

Christians are expect to love one another, treat others how they would want to be treated and no one is suppose to be judged for their past. Everyone is expected to be courageous and help each other if the need arises. This scene from “Age of Ultron” gives an example of the love and compassion that Christians can reflect on everyone around them and it also represents Gods love. In the scene Hawkeye first risks his own life to help a child who is about to be left behind on a dropping island, almost immediately after Quicksilver gives his life to save them from Ultron as he tries to shoot them. This scene is able to show viewers that it isn’t always about you; a lot of the time people need your help whether or not they are asking. For example when Jesus went out on the boat and told the fishers to cast their nets. They didn’t ask for his help, he did this out of the kindness of his heart. As Christians, we are suppose to follow this teaching. It also shows how we are suppose to put aside our differences if it means helping others and caring for them as at first neither Clint nor Quicksilver liked each other. 

This scene is closely related to this as people of religion are also suppose to encourage each other. If someone is feeling let down, left behind or just feel like they can’t do something people of the church are suppose to stand behind one another to keep everyone moving forward. This is not only because it’s the Christian thing to do but it is also the nice thing to do. Sometimes we see each other make a mistake and we either keep walking or we stop and point, even in the church when someone falls back instead of encouraging we put them down and push them away. This scene is able to teach young people that we have to stand up for each other; show each other that we can do things if we put our mind to it. If you make a mistake you can be forgiven but you have to keep pushing forward with everyone. Jesus’s followers were criminals and prostitutes, sure they made mistakes but they encouraged each other and helped one another.

Not all examples of religion in the Avengers movies are positive though. Much like in real life evil or satan can take control or try to and it can take you down the wrong path or you can stand up against it. Some of the scenes within the movies show the villians trying to take control of society and make them do their bidding and sometimes it does work. One thing that can still be taken from this is that although evil may sometimes take you the wrong way God will still be with you. These scenes can show how Satan can try to harm you but there is always someone their with you; watching over you, you can stand up against it. 

As Loki tries to enslave the world under his power he tries to scare people into listening to him. He is to these people what Satan would be to society. As he tries to take control he scares people, makes them listen or threatens death if not. But it also shows that with courage you can stand against him and someone will always be therefore you like the man that wouldn’t kneel. 

This is an example of how Ultron relates to Satan. Churches exist to worship together in one place to praise the lord; it makes them stronger and it makes everyone feel safer, like they can lean on someone else’s shoulder if things get to rough. What happens when they are apart though? They tend to get much weaker, it is easier to make mistakes, and to turn away from others. This scene shows how Ultron tries to turn each Avenger against themselves. He attempts to play mind tricks which leads to them not working as a team they are individual and individually they are not as strong. This is exactly what Satan does when people are alone with no one to support them Satan tries to take control. If they have support through friends, family, the church he will slowly try to rip away at them until they turn on themselves because they are weaker as one. Both Ultron and Satan know that there is power in numbers. This can show Christian that no matter the mistakes you make or someone else makes, no matter what the opposition is you must stick together and be there for one another. If you turn your back against each other you will lose your way.



This is only a small proportion of the religion that can be found within the marvel world. Each of the related movies have their own meaning an themes but it can be clearly seen that if you watch close enough you can find a lot of religious themes being portrayed like biblical persons comparisons such a Nick Fury and IronMan to Jesus and God. As well as many different basic themes of Christian integrity and how Christians are suppose to act with compassion and be there for one another. Christians young and old can learn a lot from these movie, what they take away from it depends on their outlook of what these scenes mean but at the end the general idea of how a religious person show find themselves to be is shown through the action of heroes. Essentially Christians should be every day heroes.

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